
Privacy Policy

This Privacy Policy governs the manner in which Thedirection OÜ ("we," "our," or "us") collects, uses, maintains, and discloses information collected from users (referred to as "you" or "your") of the corporate information website located at https://thedirection.org/ (the "Site"). We are committed to protecting your privacy and ensuring the security of the information you provide while using our Site. This Privacy Policy applies to the Site and all products and services offered by Thedirection OÜ.

1. Information We Collect

1.1. Personal Information: We may collect personal information such as your name, email address, and contact details when you voluntarily submit them through our contact forms or subscribe to our newsletters. We will only collect personal information that you provide voluntarily and with your consent.

1.2. Non-Personal Information: We may collect non-personal information about you automatically when you visit our Site. This information may include your IP address, browser type, device information, and other technical details that are automatically collected by our analytics services.

2. Use of Information

2.1. Personal Information: We may use the personal information you provide to respond to your inquiries, fulfill your requests, provide customer support, and send periodic newsletters or updates if you have subscribed to them. We may also use your personal information for internal purposes such as data analysis, research, and improving our services.

2.2. Non-Personal Information: Non-personal information collected automatically is used to analyze trends, administer the Site, track users' movements around the Site, and gather demographic information. This information helps us understand how visitors interact with our Site and allows us to enhance the user experience.

3. Data Security

We are committed to maintaining the security of your personal information and have implemented appropriate technical and organizational measures to protect against unauthorized access, disclosure, alteration, or destruction. We regularly review and update our security practices to ensure the ongoing integrity and confidentiality of your information.

4. Cookies and Analytics

4.1. Cookies: Our Site may use cookies to enhance your user experience. Cookies are small text files that are placed on your device when you visit a website. You have the option to configure your browser to refuse cookies or to alert you when cookies are being sent. However, note that some parts of the Site may not function properly if cookies are disabled.

4.2. Analytics: We use analytics services to collect non-personal information about your interactions with the Site. These services help us analyze website traffic, track user behavior, and gather demographic information. The analytics services may use cookies or other tracking technologies to collect this information.

5. Third-Party Disclosure

We do not sell, trade, or transfer your personal information to third parties without your consent, except as required by law or as necessary to provide the services you have requested. We may share non-personal information with third-party service providers who assist us in operating our website and conducting our business, subject to confidentiality agreements.

6. Links to Third-Party Websites

Our Site may contain links to third-party websites that are not controlled or operated by us. We are not responsible for the privacy practices or content of these third-party sites. We encourage you to review the privacy policies of any third-party websites you visit.

7. Compliance with Laws

We will comply with all applicable data protection laws and regulations, including the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR), in relation to the collection, use, and retention of personal information.

8. Changes to this Privacy Policy

We reserve the right to update or modify this Privacy Policy at any time. Any changes will be effective immediately upon posting the revised Privacy Policy on the Site. We encourage you to review this Privacy Policy periodically for any updates or changes.

9. Contact Us

If you have any questions or concerns about this Privacy Policy or our privacy practices, please contact us at the following address:
Thedirection OÜ Harju County, Tallinn, Lasnamäe District, Ruunaoja 3, 11415

By using our Site, you signify your acceptance of this Privacy Policy. If you do not agree to this Privacy Policy, please do not use our Site.